Please create your group application profile by providing the requested information below.

If you already have a Group Application account, please log in here
(*) denotes a required field

Group Application Account Information

The information provided below will be used to create your NWSA Group Application Portal Profile. You will be able to begin the account creation process, submit applications, and pay application fees for someone other than yourself or multiple people.

Note: If you are wanting to access your personal testing history, certification information, submit applications and payment for yourself, or view/manage information necessary to take your exams please visit our NWSA Candidate Portal Profile creation page instead by clicking here.

Primary Provider User Profile
  • Must have at least 6 characters
  • Must contain at least 1 number(s).
  • Must contain at least 1 punctuation character(s) from the set !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
  • You cannot reuse the same password within 90 days.